Monday, September 13, 2010

High on a hill

12 September 2010

Some mornings are just way slower than others.

We ended up having a late start for our journey to Aosta. Niel also still wanted to stop by a wine estate for some tasting, so we managed to phone ahead to at least ensure that they were open. The very friendly daughter of the owner of D.G. Vajra was an excellent host, and with limited English managed to answer all Niel's questions.

One more stop had to be made. In La Morre, there is a statue for the wine grower, not the wine maker, and this Niel wanted to see.In Italy, you can literally blink and have missed a town completely. We  at least found La Morre, but finding the statue was not easy. But we have a way of perservering beyond the realms of normal sanity, and while I waited in the car, Niel eventually tracked down the wine grower by foot. Seeing some of the places where these Italians have their vineyards, I'm quite pleased that someone thought of honouring this poor bewildered-looking chap.

The plan was to make a quick stop in Turin before we head further North, but because it was getting late, we opted to stop at Basilica di Superga, a church built on one of the hills east of Turin. We climbed up to the dome (I only had to stop for breath once - the free gym membership that came with this trip must be working!) to get a good view of the city. Unfortunately the Mole Antonelliano was not quite visible through the mist, but the view of the city is certainly impressive.

And finally - the mountains. We were not sure whether we would have enough time to take the scenic route over the small St. Bernard pass, so decided to just get to Aosta first, and then see whether we could still see some of what the mountains can offer before dark. Aosta lies in a valley, surrounded by the most beautiful mountains, with numerous castles and churches perched strategicaly on hilltops to add some special effects. Once we had checked into our accommodation, we continued along the valley in the direction of Monte Bianco. It's just impossible to describe the beauty of the mountains around you.

I often say that, when I stop appreciating mountains around me, you may as well bury me. I think I should buy myself a little house up in these mointains. *dream*

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